Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ang moh jia

... or caucasian bites... as S2 affectionately refer whenever it strays from my asian meals....
we snap and blog about interesting food-related episodes as and when we eat/make them.... but there isnt always time to write and upload immediately, so if you are wondering why the sudden influx of blogs.... its actually because we are still clearing the backlog !

A simple cauliflower and cheese bake we made which looks prettier than it is, as it had not firmed up under the cheese and had too much liquid, although the florets were tender and nice.  Something we need to try again. Salad, grown locally in Hackney was fantastic, together with left over crackers bits :)

Our inspirational sources are varied but more often than not, it is determined by 'which food do we need to eat first when it is still fresh?' ... or which ingredient do I have the most of ? It isnt that we keep food for long, but for example, herbs often come in a quantity in excess of what's required, so we look about for different ways to use them, as illustrated by the parsley pesto below.  Brilliant suggestion from River cottage website to stuff it in a ciabatta, we did our best improvising with our half loaf of homemade sourdough and it was great fun to make ! Yummy too! I imagine potential as a great picnic pack!  :)

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