Wednesday, May 2, 2012

California cuisine 3

We chanced upon this restaurant while out walking about town one night.  Its exterior was simple, but the michelin man on the notice board had caught S2's eye, and upon a quick glance, it turns out that this is a VEGAN establishment! HurrraH!!!!!   There is a very deep and enormous delight, when one finds a place whereby everything on the menu is available to eat, and not have to be limited to [v] signs... 

After vegging (and pescatarian-ing) up to my 11th year now, S2 has mellowed from her carrot evangelism.  She is at peace with the choice that everyone makes, and is grateful for being fortunate enough to have a choice to abstain from certain foods...( well in more impoverished countries, you eat what you can get your hands on...)   So it was with much interest that we stepped into Cafe Gratitude ...

The ethos, setting and ambience of the place was warm and relaxed. Though I agree that we can certainly afford to be more grateful for our meals, and the way it is grown, harvested, delivered and marketed to us; the fact that this joint is unabashedly grateful, so much that I feel somewhat uncomfortable.  The hippie values are everything I resonate with, but still, the fact that they expound it and make it a theme for the entire concept and restaurant is well... a very big and brave move (verging on unreal ?)  So yes, when M2 took out his laptop to download an important attachment, I thought the waiting staff may whisper quietly requesting we squirrel that piece of technology away... Or the other diners may frown unapprovingly in our direction... neither happened, phew! And so we got to taste the commendable food.  Though vegan, I am not a big fan of raw food, but since it is a speciality, I was game!  We were pleasantly surprised at how refreshing and delicious it was and really inspired by their inventive vegan dishes!  We loved all 3 of the dishes ordered, but oooh! the desert is a topper !  Especially since S2 is such a super duper GOJI girl ! 
I AM ALIVE! Raw Pizza: Sunflower seeds,onions and buckwheat sourdough flatbread,
Topped with Pesto, fresh and sun dried tomatoes, cashew ricotta and
brazil nuts parmesan, with a side salad.  
I AM WHOLE! A warm grain bowl of steamed quinoa, with green kimchee, shredded kale,
sea vegetable, carrots and pea shoots laced with a salsa verde.
I AM {ELATED}! Raw carrot GOJI layered cake made with Almond flour,
carrot and goji berries, coconut cream, irish moss and agave syrup.
We are thankful for our good health, that we may have hearty appetites and walk to find food, for our 5 senses, that we may savour them in everyway, and most of all, for the people who prepared our food.  Khop Jai Lai Lai. .... not to mention the cute waiter with smoky eyes too!

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