Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Californian cuisine 2

The choices of cuisine in California are very diverse!  Depending on which neighbourhood you are in, (if there is a predominant ethnic group living there..) you will find pretty authentic local fare !  So, we also took the opportunity to dip our palates into this cosmopolitan mix in Berkeley.   

Saul is a traditional American Jewish Deli, typical of the ones you would see in New York.  We had a simple meal of the 2 dishes you see below.  This was for a bit of nostalgia, after a special meal we had in the big apple a decade ago! S2 has not had much exposure to Jewish food, but is struck by how similar it is to middle eastern/mediterranean food here, in this case.  The pickled gherkin appetisers were lovely!  

 Cafe Culture!  Coffee and work.  Many cafes here open early at 7am or so, to provide a cuppa for those on their way to an early start! By 9am, the cafes can be jam packed, full of people who filter in and out between a cuppa and typing away on their laptops!  A small independent establishment: Guerilla Cafe serves a mean poach egg and full breakfast ! Lovely coffee, teas and staff. I love the ambience of the place and all their "number tags" feature a revolutionary figure in history that they pay hommage to.  And yes! of course they have a changing art display on their walls :)
 M2 fondly led S2 to this tiny Brazilian shack at a road junction close to UCB campus along University Ave.  We were lucky to have a seat as that is a luxury! according to Yelp! reviews, long queues and curbside eating is not uncommon!  Although their specialities are all meat based( popular favourites are the tri-tip sandwiches), they do have huge portions of salads! Fresh, simple and delicious- pickled peppers, lettuce, tomatoes, rice and cilantro sauce was awesome !!! mmmm......and mango smoothie !
Brazil Fresh Squeeze Cafe! Pedro Rawks !

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