Sunday, September 23, 2012

*fresh beginnings*

 No tummy troubles and well, from our first unguided wild mushroom forage! 

From the evening sidewalks of Penalolen, Santiago 

So we begin a new page ( new look )by dipping our spoons back to the summer, where we spent time with family who recently moved to Chile.  A long strip down the western side of South America, its funny how the geographical shape coincides with the fruit, Chili -similar to its name. Etymology points to various native Mapuche or Quechua meanings of the same sounding word referring to "Land's End" or "cold".  

Stretching over 4,630 km from N to S and 430km E to W ( at widest point) With the Andes Range bordering the East and the Pacific Ocean to the West.  Geographically diverse and fertile land benefits from the best nature offers :) Although we were there in winter, there was more sunshine from 3 days in Santiago then a week of the (present) English summer!  

We'll share sketches of our trip via the food in subsequent posts! ....As soon as S2 figures out how to order the posts around the food item or place or chronological order...

" Eggs from a Happy Hen "
Kelp and Potatoes at a local Farmer's Market, Santiago

Santiago by Sunset 

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