Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wild Mushrooms

Its been awhile.... since the last entry and in case you were wondering.... we havent stopped eating or cooking or trying to go running ( to balance in/out puts! ) We've been behind on our posts, but have been collecting pictures and tales to share which we will do so soon...

If we survive tonite.

Mushrooms have become an interest in the past year or so and we have been out foraging with a field guide (once) , a farmer friend (once) and a couple times on our own.  We do not know enough about the various types of mushrooms and have heard about the complexities even for the "expert" at differentiating the various types.

Although it is still a bit early in the season, we were out foraging and found some nice mushrooms, some of which we believe are oyster mushrooms.  We were very careful, looking in guides and online to make sure that they were not any other similar but inedible ones, and decided to take a chance and go for it.  It was very tasty, so at least if it turns out deadly we would die happy!
into the woods!
chicken of the wood?
We came across a bunch we think maybe "chicken of the woods" as introduced by the field guide on a mushroom walk last autumn.  But since we were not too sure, we left it and only took the oyster mushrooms we felt fairly confident about.  According to the Roger's mushroom application, we had a 86.9 % match with the characteristics of the oyster mushrooms and it smelled and tasted like one too!
Its been 3 hours since dinner and we are still feeling ok :)

oyster mushrooms fried with butter

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