Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Valparaiso - a flavour of the pacific ! (Comida Chilena Pt 2)

This post is about Valparaiso, a quaint coastal town 2 hours drive from Santiago.  This used to be a busy port town in the late 1800s before it was eclipsed by the opening of Panama Canal.  The architecture and development here is witness to the European immigrants who came through its shores and settled in Chile.  It was a pleasure wandering along the steep and narrow streets uphill and down either on foot or by one of the funiculars which bring the locals and tourists alike to the different gradients of the city.  Its become known as quite an artist enclave and creative hub!  

A stall at the seafood market 

A mini cruise ship liner disguised as a stall :)
Pelicans !

Seals up close.... when approached and within 2 metres or so... it barked ! And it was quite intimidating ! They stay near the pier to beach for a bit, and also to await the fish bits that fishermen or fishmongers will throw them!

The market right beside the dock for fishing boats beside the pacific ocean.... it doesnt get fresher than this! (You can see the coastline of Valparaiso in the background)

Houses stacked and stilted on steep slopes. 
 We were recommended to head to Portofino, an Italian restaurant along Calle Bellamar.  Along the street, the restaurant looked like rather modest.  However, upon entry, you are pleasantly surprised at the side that overlooks the ocean ! Gorgeous views and stunning murals !  The food was in typical italian tradition, simple, delicious and flavoursome!  We chose a simple seafood medley to share, as we wanted to have a taste of the sea in as little seasoning as possible.   Italian food is popular and blends easily into local Chilean cuisine which has a lot of European influence, given the influx of European immigrants in the 1900s!

Seafood medley and vegetables at Portofino, Valparaiso.

Stunning Murals in the restaurant, stepped in history.

The town and a view of the port (misty)

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